Saturday, November 19, 2016

With Broken Toe, I Have Time to Go Through Game Film from 11-7-2016

So here I am on Saturday night going through and editing game film for the other students at my Dojo.

I'm just 5 days out from breaking my right big toe in a couple or places and I'm pretty sure I've damaged the ligaments in there pretty good too.  Can't move it yet.

Fellow "Engineer Nerds" at work have named me "Tae Kwon Toe".  So I've got that going for me now. LOL

While I'm out with the broken toe, I'll still blog and get video for others in my Dojo.

Here is some game film from 11-7-2016 of various matches.  Enjoy!


  1. You are so courageous man that despite of broken toe you still managed to film the karate. Thats so impressive. Get well soon buddy and keep on filming such amazing activities.

  2. Some karateka don't concur with rivalry, they accept on the off chance that somebody has a terrible character, rivalry can just compound the situation, some karateka will indicate lack of regard to their adversaries, teachers and refs, however I trust this to be exceptionally uncommon and the greater part of karateka at rivalry demonstrate regard and quietude whether they win or lose.taekwondo school in kansas city

  3. Kumite (competing). Where two karateka accomplice one another and assault and shield against one another, karate kumite starts with fundamental moves, eg.The better employee
